Dr. Jacob Lake
Associate Veterinarian DVM
Dr. Jacob Lake is the newest Associate Veterinarian at Isthmus Veterinary Care. Originally from
Wauwatosa, WI, Dr. Lake fell in love with Madison while attending the University of Wisconsin-
Madison for his undergraduate degree. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology, he
began working for the university in a research laboratory studying Parkinson’s disease.
It was during his three years in the research lab that Dr. Lake realized he
wanted to pursue a career in veterinary medicine.
While studying at the UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Lake discovered his
veterinary passions were in small animal general medicine and surgery. He received the
American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Award for Proficiency in Primary Care in 2022.
Dr. Lake is excited to professionally cuddle puppies and kittens, while focusing on the
management of their health and wellness throughout their lives. He lives in Fitchburg with his
girlfriend, Leah, and their sassy 6-year-old French Bulldog named Murphy.